Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hair Loss Vitamins To Improve Your Odds Against Losing More Hair

As we explore the different solutions to cure hair loss, we should also consider looking inward and to feed our bodies what is needed to help in this process through the regular consumption of "hair loss vitamins". Beauty does come from within and if you do not take care of the inside, then what you see on the outside may not be the best that it should be. However, many who suffer from hair loss need to be reminded about this as they look for external cures for what may be an internal problem.

Hair loss vitamins: Fixing the problem from within

Purchasing good quality vitamins is essential and while the focus is on using these vitamins as a potential cure for the loss of hair, the good news is that such vitamins will also benefit the rest of your body. Do not expect a miracle overnight though. These vitamins have to be consumed consistently over an extended period of time in order to be absorbed within your body, before you may begin to see the positive effects you seek.

The best hair loss vitamins

While every vitamin can contribute to reducing hair loss in some way or other, your focus should be on specifics. There are about five vitamins that are absolute must-haves in your journey to stemming hair loss. The first is biotin which can strengthen and improve the elasticity of your hair to prevent breakage. This particular vitamin is also known to thicken hair follicles. Another vitamin from the B family is B3 or niacin. Consumption of this vitamin will apparently improve blood circulation and promote hair growth. Another vitamin B family member to pay attention to is B5 that also alleviates grey hair production, and for those who smoke, this is particularly important as scientific evidence suggests that smokers grey faster!

Folic acid, known a vitamin B9 can contribute to hair growth as well. Beyond the vitamin B spectrum, a truly great vitamin is vitamin E that helps moisturize the skin and scalp. This hydration can assist to reduce hair loss however a word of caution - excessive consumption of vitamin E can result in the blood thinning so before you go all out to stock up on vitamin E, if you have other health or medical issues, consult your medical professional first. One vitamin known to cause hair loss with extended consumption is vitamin A, so beware. It may not be a simple case of purchasing multivitamins but instead, actually purchasing and consuming individual vitamins in the areas mentioned in order to see a difference. Note that you will probably only begin to see the benefits about 4 to 6 weeks after you start regularly consuming these products.

Consuming hair loss vitamins each day will make your hair stay!

So it is time to take stock! It is always useful to try the natural remedies first. It is only if these efforts have no effect, that you should consider other alternatives. But remember that hair grows from the inside out and so, caring from the inside out should be your first preference.

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Not only does he enjoy writing about various health topics, you can also check out his latest website on Stress And Hair Loss along with information on the latest Hair Loss Cures.

View the original article here

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