Friday, July 15, 2011

Hair Falling Out? Is It Time To Panic?

Next to gaining or losing weight, the hair falling out is probably one of the biggest concerns any individual can have about their personal appearance. If this is happening to you however, don't panic. Instead, explore the possible causes to see which of these triggers may be responsible in your case.

What causes hair falling out: Potential medical causes

One of the common causes is illness or major surgery. Such hair loss is temporary and once your body heals itself, your hair will re-grow at a normal rate. Women who have recently had a child will often find that their hair starts falling out. This occurs while the body readjusts itself after the child is born. Hormonal problems, such as an over or underactive thyroid gland - causes the levels of androgens in men and estrogen in women to be out of sync - may also be responsible.

If you have recently started taking medication or changed your prescription dosage, this too can cause your hall to fall out. In such instances, consult your medical professional and highlight this issue so that adjustments can be made to the type and/or dosage of the medication. From a health perspective, hair falling out also occurs when you suffer from certain types of infections. In children, this is commonly caused by fungal infections that can be treated with antifungal medicine. A little known fact is that diabetes too, can also cause your hair to fall out.

When is hair falling out caused by external influences?

The way in which you style your hair may influence hair loss. If tight hair rollers are a common feature of your hair care, or you have a tendency to pull back hair very tightly in a ponytail or bun, this may cause hair to fall out in the long term. Unfortunately most people don't realize this until many years after the fact. By this time, scarring of the scalp would have occurred, and this will potentially limit the ability of the hair to grow back in the specific area.

The next time you step into a hair salon, you may want to consider what you are setting your hair (and scalp) up for. While hot oil treatments are touted as the be-all and end-all of ultimate hair care, extended use of such treatments can cause your hair to fall out. For individuals interested in permanents, commonly known as perms; or in re-bonding or relaxing, commonly known as straightening, know that these activities cause inflammation or swelling of the hair follicle and inevitably, hair loss.

Preventing hair falling out

While we all lose hundreds of strands of hair daily, the issue is not so much about what you lose, but about whether your scalp has the ability to grow hair at a rate that will match or better your hair loss. Medical reasons aside, the biggest culprit to this is you yourself. If you are not conscious about how much damage can be caused to your hair and scalp as well as don't take the necessary precautions, then hair falling out is inevitable and it ultimately boils down to a question of degree.

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Not only does he enjoy writing about various health topics, you can also check out his latest website on Hair Loss Cures along with what can be done for Preventing Hair Loss.

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